Ergonomics Assessment in XR Environments
Ergon-XR is an innovative training solution designed to enhance worker safety and efficiency in automated manufacturing. By leveraging extended reality (XR) technology, Ergon-XR provides a virtual environment where trainees can safely interact with industrial equipment—such as conveyors and collaborative robots—while minimizing ergonomic risks.
With customizable tools, Ergon-XR allows the creation of realistic, tailored workstations that align with individual trainee needs. By combining physical and cognitive risk assessments, Ergon-XR empowers workers to adapt to emerging technologies, fostering safer, healthier, and more productive manufacturing environments.
- Trainees use XR headsets to practice tasks and learn best practices for reducing physical and cognitive stress.
- Trainers, equipped with their own headsets, monitor posture, repetitive movements, and cognitive load.
- The platform offers near real-time feedback based on standardized ergonomics metrics, enabling trainers to make dynamic adjustments and optimize training outcomes.