1st Open Call

The Open Call has been closed.
Thank you for your participation.
Soon more information about the results will be announced.

Do you want to design XR-based teaching material?​

Do you want to bring your technology closer to the market?

Do you need help with the integration ?

Integrate your XR technology in the MASTER platform and test it with a wide range of end-users

Financial support up to €150,000.

Technical mentoring to each experiment during the whole execution period provided.

Showcase your work and develop your innovative business together with other members.

Proposals will undergo a selection carried out by internal and external reviewers.  An Evaluation Summary Report, including the scores and evaluators’ feedback will be prepared. For detailed explanation of eligibility and the selection process see the “Guide for Applicants” document.

Who are we looking for?

What challenges can be addressed in the applications?

See the full list of technical challenges in the definitions document below.

Application Period

18 March - 31 May 2024

Evaluation & Selection

1 June - 31 July 2024

Contract Preparation

1 August - 30 September 2024

Execution Period

1 October 2024 - 30 June 2025

Learn more about the Open Call in our dedicated videos

What is the purpose

The goal of the 1st Open Call

How to apply

What is the selection process

What's the evaluation process

MASTER 1st Open Call will launch on 18 March 2024 at 9:00 CET